2024 Update

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MinQuest Ltd is a privately owned and funded company incorporated in the State of Nevada.  The company is primarily a holding company with over 25 projects in 4 States.  The company has ongoing exploration for new projects and is expanding its footprint on current projects.  We have been in the mineral exploration business for over 35 years.  Our business model is to acquire grass roots to resource projects through historic reports and data owned by the company and completing reconnaissance exploration in new areas.  The company then enlists third parties to further advance the projects while recouping its holding costs and retaining a royalty through production.

Projects in the company’s pipeline were discovered between 1985 and 2020.  The projects are drill ready with supporting geologic mapping, surface geochemistry, and in some cases, geophysical surveys and open ended drill intercepts.  Several of the projects contain modest to significant resources in gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and/or molybdenum.

As part of the goal of the company, MinQuest has converted several projects into royalty positions. In some cases, MinQuest has bought royalties.

In addition to the above, MinQuest owns data (both digital and hard copies) on numerous projects through out the United States and globally. This data is used to add projects and occasionally sold to third parties.

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