Mineral Hill Project, NV

The Mineral Hill Project is located in Eureka County, Nevada. The project consists of 9 patented claims, 20 unpatented claims and 160 acres of private lands for a total of 540 acres.

The mines reportedly produced approximately 2,000,000 ounces of silver, 15,000 ounces of gold and substantial associated copper, lead and zinc were produced over a period of 80 years. Initial production averaged 140 ounces per ton silver (approximately 3,960 g/t). By the end of production in 1939 the average grade had dropped to 25 ounces per ton silver (775 g/t).

Extensive workings have been developed within the first 150 feet of depth. The “waste dumps” covering the hill average 4 to 8 opt silver based on multiple companies’ sampling. Select gold values can run as high as 32 g/t while lead values are generally less than 8%, zinc is less than 16% and copper values do not exceed 2%.

The mineralized zone can be traced over a minimum of 3,000 feet and ranges from 30 to 150 feet in width. Host rock is primarily dolomite and limestone with intense silica replacement and crosscutting argillized intermediate dikes.