Project Overview
The Hill project has been held since 1985 and is located in Humboldt County, Nevada. Multiple gold and silver targets exist along a 2 km corridor.
Area Geology
A silicified zone up to 30 meters wide has samples that assay from 1 to 3.5 g/t gold. The soil sampling indicates additional potential on the hanging wall and footwall of the silicified zone, with gold values from 0.1 to 6.5 g/t gold. On the east end (Spanish Girl Mine), a banded quartz vein up to 2 meters wide has assayed from 1 to 16 g/t gold.
A single drill phase was completed in 1992. It consisted of 4 shallow drill holes, with two pairs each drilled in a scissor fashion. Although the drilling was RC, the recoveries were poor with zones up to 5 meters or more having no recovery. One hole encountered 1.5 meters grading 4.5 g/t gold within a zone of 15 meters grading +1 g/t gold.
The project has drill ready targets based on soil and rock sampling, geology and open ended drill intercepts. The property is in BLM jurisdiction.
