Project Overview
The Dolly Varden Springs Project is located in Elko County, Nevada. There are 39 claims (780 acres) covering a zone of calcsilicate alteration, skarn, and jasperoid over a distance of 3000 meters in length. The mineralization dives under pediment cover to the east.
Area Geology and Exploration
The area’s altered limestone and porphyry dikes are anomalous in copper, silver, and gold. Wollastonite-diopside+garnet alteration is prevalent along this trend. No drilling has been noted within the claim boundary. Values from 0.2% to 4.5% copper and 0.1 to 5.2 g/t gold have been obtained throughout the claim block from outcrops and trenches.
Drilling to the west was completed by Noranda, Gulf for Molybdenum, and Anaconda for copper between 1967 and 1984. Bear Creek completed a district wide aeromagnetics survey in 1958 and identified a magnetic anomaly within and adjacent to the property. Cominco completed three IP lines over the project area in 1998 and confirmed the existence of a significant conductor on two of the lines. No testing of this anomaly has occurred.
The nearby Victoria “breccia pipe” is reported to have produced ~800,000 tons of ore grading 2.4% copper. An additional 2 million tons of material is reported to remain at an average grade of 2% copper!
The strong alteration, surface geochemistry, associated geophysical anomalies, and nearby high grade mineralization suggest excellent potential for discovery of a near-surface copper-gold skarn of reasonable grade underlying pediment.