LB-Vixen, NV

The LB-Vixen project is located in Humboldt County, Nevada approximately 8 miles (12 kilometers) northeast of the Hycroft mine complex. The project has 8,935 feet (2,723 meters) of vertical drilling comprised of airtrack, conventional and RC methods. Forty-two holes for an average of  212 feet per hole. Twenty-four of the holes intersected anomalous gold values greater than 0.1 g/t over 10 feet (3 meters). Notable drill results include near surface intercepts of 40 feet grading 0.41 g/t and 30 feet grading 0.5 g/t  gold in separate holes .  Additionally, 4 of the holes ended in mineralization. Over 700 feet (213 meters) of shallow trenching was completed.  Trenching across the mineralized zone returned 65 feet (20 meters) grading 0.41 g/t gold and separately 5 feet grading 0.92 g/t.

Historic sampling conducted on the project was limited to gold and silver. Recent samples collected from trenches, outcrops, soil and drilling indicate a strong correlation with silver, arsenic, antimony, and mercury with moderate correlation with bismuth, copper, molybdenum and tellurium. Over 530 soil samples and 160 rock samples from outcrops and trenches have been collected by various companies.

Alteration consists of stockwork quartz veining in competent limestone, jasperoid replacement, and semi-massive sulfide replacement in phyllite and shale. Along with the gold encountered, sulfur occurs within mapped faults and mercury is present in historic pits. These minerals are consistent with historic mining that occurred at the nearby Hycroft complex.

Recent geophysical surveys, geology, and alteration features suggested to the previous lessees that there is potential for a porphyry copper-gold system to exist within the project boundary. This concept has yet to be tested.