Copper Springs Project, AZ

The Copper Springs project consists of 99 unpatented mining claims (~1960 acres) located in the Miami-Globe mining district of central Arizona.   The immediate area contains numerous past and present copper producers.

Historic work by Miami Copper, Asarco, Consolidated Uranium, Bear Creek, Kerr-McGee, Citgo, Humble, Phelps-Dodge and American Copper total 76 holes for 35,061.7 feet or an average of ~450 feet per hole.  This work identified 3 separate areas of mineralization with ~30 million tons grading 0.35% copper on the west side, ~5 million tons grading 0.38% copper on the east side and 20 million tons grading 0.35% copper in the middle area.

Approximately 7,000 feet of strike length encompasses the 3 areas.  Untested mineralization at surface exists north of the middle area and within very wide spaced drill holes (approximately 2,000 feet spacings) elsewhere on the project.

The project covers an area of Proterozoic schists intruded by Laramide granite and porphyry.  Oxide copper is present within both the schist and intrusive rocks.  Chalcocite is present at depths of 20 to 400 feet in various drill holes.  The entire target area is believed to be tilted to the west by as much as 50 degrees.

Two IP lines run over the western portion of the project area indicate a chargeability high over and adjacent to the western resource area.

Copper Springs has several direct drill targets for shallow enriched copper targets with an upside potential of 100 million tons.  A deeper porphyry target is likely to exist on the east side of the project.  The project is currently leased out to private company going public in the near future.